9 Reasons Why Dog Barking in The Crate at Night All of a Sudden

9 Reasons Why Dog Barking in The Crate at Night All of a Sudden

We all feel relaxed when our dog sleeps at night without making any noise! Even this gives us happiness and makes us feel happy, too. But what if your crate-trained dog suddenly starts barking at night? Isn’t it frustrating? Sleep disturbance due to dog barking is common for all dog owners. However, Have you ever…

Why Does My Dog Sleeps In Crate With Door Open: Is It Safe?

Why Does My Dog Sleeps In Crate With Door Open: Is It Safe?

A crate functions as a haven for dogs. Pet owners often do not understand this behavior and ask why their dog sleeps in the crate with the door open. If you or someone you know has a dog at home, then we have all the answers for you related to a canine’s crate-sleeping habits. Generally,…

12 Reasons Why Is My Dog Digging Holes All of a Sudden

12 Reasons Why Is My Dog Digging Holes All of a Sudden

Our pets are one of the most important members of our lives. When you are a dog parent your responsibility is not just limited to giving your furry friend the utmost care and love, but also sometimes it means putting up with the sudden unexpected behaviors of your doggo. So, have you wondered why your…

15 Reasons Why Does Your Dog Lay On You? Bonding or Behavior

15 Reasons Why Does Your Dog Lay On You? Bonding or Behavior

The question of “why do dogs lay on you” is something that several dog owners have pondered upon while indulging in the warmth of their furry friends. It is simply a very common behavior seen in these animals. This seemingly simple yet endearing behavior harbors a wealth of insights into the complex relationship between humans…