12 Reasons Why Dog is Excessively Drooling and Licking Paws

12 Reasons Why Dog is Excessively Drooling and Licking Paws

Canine creatures drool, and it comes naturally to them. They also lick their paws occasionally. However, it becomes a cause for concern when they do it too often. I witnessed my dog drooling often but didn’t pay much attention to it initially. Soon my dog fell sick. This was when I realized that excessive dog…

How To Potty Train A Yorkie In 2 Days (Fast And Easy)

How To Potty Train A Yorkie In 2 Days (Fast And Easy)

To potty train a Yorkie, establish a consistent routine for taking them outside to eliminate, use positive reinforcement such as treats and praise for successful elimination outside, supervise them closely inside to prevent accidents, and clean up any accidents promptly using an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate odors. Training a Yorkie to use the restroom on…

How To Train Your Dog To Ignore Strangers– Easy Guide & Tips

How To Train Your Dog To Ignore Strangers– Easy Guide & Tips

Training a dog to ignore strangers involves socialization and obedience training. Start by introducing your dog to unfamiliar individuals in a safe setting, and reinforce positive behavior. To divert your dog’s attention away from strangers, use orders like “leave it” or “stay”. Your dog can learn to ignore people from strangers with consistent training and…