17 Dog-Friendly Places in Austin: Things To Do

17 Dog-Friendly Places in Austin: Things To Do

In the streets of Austin, you will find so many dogs walking around. Just know that Austin, the Bat City, is also a Fur City.  Realtor.com ranked Austin as sixth among the Top 10 American Cities for Dogs. Also, there are more or less 264 dog-friendly restaurants in Austin. This post may contain affiliate links….

8 Reasons Why Do Dogs Cry In Their Sleep & How To Stop It

8 Reasons Why Do Dogs Cry In Their Sleep & How To Stop It

Having a dog is one of the most satisfying feelings. After all who does not love a furry animal roaming around the house, having fun, running in the garden, and being your companion always? Most dog parents would be aware that dogs bear a lot of similarities with human characteristics. Just like us dogs have…

11 Reasons Why Do Dogs Scratch The Carpet? Easy Solutions

11 Reasons Why Do Dogs Scratch The Carpet? Easy Solutions

If you ever find your dog scratching the carpet, you’re probably wondering why do dogs scratch the carpet. Is your dog experiencing any serious physical or mental issues? While there are a few different reasons why dogs scratch the carpet, the most common problem is that they’re trying to relieve an itch. Apart from this,…